stories of satisfaction and success
Embark on a journey of discovery and success, narrated by our esteemed clients and supporters themselves. Experience their satisfaction and triumphs through quotes, testimonials of our unwavering commitment to the growth and success.
A Standout in a Crowded Market
" There are so many consulting companies out there, but only a small few are actually really good. Dave, yours is one of the really good ones! Thank you for what you do!
The fears we don't face become our limits
“ If you are feeling stuck personally, or professionally - - I think you should meet our friend, Dave. If you know someone thinking about starting, or just starting a business, AND for mental wellness while going through that process.
Mindset's Team
“ The team that you guys are building at Mindset is truly a powerhouse of talent that is not common with a typical consulting firm. You guys have like Ivy League certifications, methodologies, and experiences! “
Beyond Grateful
“ I have to give a huge shoutout to Dave for everything he has done for me these past few months. I am beyond grateful for your support, coaching, an encouragement. Thank you for helping me achieve the goal of a lifetime! “
Wonderful Job! It has been phenomenal
“ If you have not heard of Mindset Innovations Consulting and are thinking of opening a business or would like coaching on a career path, reach out to him. He does a wonderful job answering questions, coaching you from point A to B and explaining every step along the way. You will never feel left in the dark or defeated, he is so supportive and uplifting.
“ What you have here is gold. Like seriously, people need to be exposed to this stuff. You have no idea how valuable your curriculum would be in the health care field. “
The driving Force behind success and growth
“ Our team is excited to partner with you! We believe that mindset is the driving force behind success and growth. Your unique approach combines psychological insights, neuroscience research, and business acumen to help cultivate a growth-oriented mindset. Excited! “
Reflective moments: A profound coffee encounter
“ I appreciate all of the encouragement and man; I could have sat there for hours to pick your brain and continue to hear more stories. You are going to touch so many lives going forward as you already have in the past. Truly one of my favorite and meaningful coffees I have had here in my two years. “
A little help outside of ourselves
“ I have so much fun meeting people from all sorts of different careers! Many of you know I’m a personal development junkie and this guy embodies just that.
Dave Machovsky of Mindset Innovations Consulting can help with individual or business endeavors. He has expertise for leadership development, writing a resume, preparing for an interview, life coaching, process improvement, etc.
We can’t always be everything we want to be in life, but we certainly get closer to it, especially with a little help outside of ourselves. “
Interview Preparation
“ I got the job!! Thank you so much!! “
Professional Resume Build
“ Thank you for building my internship resume! It looks really good, and I’m excited to show it off. “
Amazing Job!
“ I am so pleased with this cover letter and thank you drafts. You’ve done an amazing job in summarizing the key pillars of my expertise and accomplishments in the bulleted listing in the cover letter. Thank you! “
Ready to take your business or personal life to new heights? Contact us to discuss how our expertise can propel you or your organization forward.